Highlands Congregation Facility Rental Fees-Revised 02/19/2016

1. Weddings

     A. Rental fees for sanctuary, Fellowship Hall, gym, or kitchen are set by the Wedding Coordinator
          with the approval of the pastor and financial officer (also, see web site-kchighlands.org)
             1. can verbally hold a date for 7-days-must pay deposit for official reservation

2. Rental Fees (non-athletic events only)

     A.                 Room rentals:                    $20 per hour
     B.                 Sanctuary                           $40 per hour
     C.                 Fellowship Hall only        $30 per hour
     D.                 Gym                                     $40 per hour
     E.                 Gym/Fellowship               $45 per hour
     F.                 Gym/Fellowship/             $60 per hour
       A-f does not include opening!
       closing, setup or cleanup.

3. Gym Rental (athletic events)

      A        Non Members of Congregation       $45 per hour
      B        Members of Congregation                $35 per hour
Note: each group should furnish proof of insurance or sign waivers.

4. Congregational events (including memorial services and funerals - members only)

     A. No fee. Setup, opening/closing and cleanup should be arranged in advance.

 Note: sometimes baby showers could be considered congregational events if given for active members
             and the congregation is sponsoring.

5. Family or personal gatherings (non-commercial events such as birthdays, showers, etc.)

    A. There is no set fee for such events, but a "free will" offering is expected.
        Also, the group should provide   own setup, opening/closing and cleanup.
        Qualified person only should use kitchen equipment.

6. Commercial or Profit-making Events

    A. Check with legal if needed.
        Church would appear to endorse such events and might jeopardize non-profit status.

7. Overnighters

    A. Groups outside congregation              Free Will Offering
    B. Members of congregation                   No fee-can contribute

8. Election days

    A. Scheduled in Fellowship Hall or Teen Center
          1. 50.00 per day (fee set by Clay County)

9. Local Homeowners Association Meetings

     A. Opening and closing fee only             $30

10. Other groups and events (perhaps multi-days)]

     A. Negotiate rates if not fitting neatly into other categories. Ask where they've
        previously held events and what they've paid. Also can check with other facilities.

    B. Sometimes if the event has an overriding public service component we will give
         that group a favorable rate. Should consult with pastor about things like this.
    C. Sometimes there is an overriding congregational interest involved that will result in
        exceptions to the above fee schedule. Any decisions of this type are usually confidential.

Church Phone:                   816-468-7878

Church Email                     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.